Australian Labradoodles UK

Thank you for choosing a Churchills Australian Labradoodle Puppy. We hope that you enjoy many years of companionship, fun and entertainment.
When your litter is born, we will give you a link to your own private page. The page is like a mini website full of information to help you through every stage of development.
It's important that you feel involved from the moment that they are born. We use the private page to upload videos and photos, enabling you to feel included. We understand that our families are keen to start planning ahead. With this in mind, we hope our Preparing for Puppy page gives you a basic start. I can not stress enough, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We ask that you follow our guidelines, which are designed to help you to settle your puppy into its new environment and give your puppy the foundations for a happy, healthy future. Please remember that if you do have any concerns at any stage throughout your dog's life, we are here to help and advise.​
Have a think about how you will travel with your puppy/dog
The safest way for the pup to travel home would be in a harness attached to a car seatbelt. You can buy these online.
However, remember pup will be growing all the time, so don't spend too much on their first harness.
Harnesses that are suitable for the car will have a chest plate, and the seat belt strap will attach to the back. They will state that they are car/travel harnesses. Another option for travelling home with the pup is to pop the pup in a crate. The crate must be designed for the car. They can be attached to the back seat or boot using straps.
Finally, the pup can sit in the footwell of the car.
Naturally, you will want to cuddle the pup all the way home. Which is fine. But please remember that just like a child........if you brake hard or someone bumps into you unless your pup is safe and secure, your pup will fly through the car.
If you buy a doggy seat belt with a clip like the one pictured, you will be able to sit them on your lap and attach their belt to your belt. NEVER put a pup under your belt. Your body weight will crush them in an accident.

Double-check that your garden is secure. Puppies like to explore and will fit through tiny holes. Make sure garden gates are padlocked to prevent entry. Could the puppy fit under the garden gate?
Think about your front door. If it should accidentally be left open, could the puppy get out? Are you able to open your front door, keeping the puppy safely out of the way?
Never ever leave your Australian Labradoodle in the car or outside any public place. Even if it is on a driveway
Are the wires tucked out of reach?
Ponds and Pools
Before you collect a pup, it's imperative that you take precautions to keep the puppy away from pools and ponds. A young puppy will drown in a pool or pond. Dogs can swim but a puppy will struggle. If they fell in could they climb out?
Is your pool fencing secure? Could the puppy get through the fence? If the puppy walks on the pool/pond cover, will it collapse underwater?
Upstairs Windows and Balconies
Are the windows low enough for a dog or puppy to climb out? is the Balcony surround secure could they fit through it or jump over the balcony railing? if they are please think about how you can avoid accidents.
Upstairs Landing
Could a puppy fall though the upstairs landing bars?
Toxic Plants and Food
Start checking all your plants both indoors and out.
Google is a great tool for plant checking. There are lots of apps too. It is imperative that you identify your plants and remove all the plants that are toxic. Whenever we go to the garden centre, we check if plants are safe before we buy them.
Some plants will upset their tummies but others could kill them.
You will not be able to use any form of slug pellets and most weed killers are highly toxic too.
There are lots of human foods that are highly toxic to dogs. Many of these are children's treats for example raisins, grapes, chocolate and sweets with artificial sweeteners they are all deadly to dogs and will require an immediate emergency vet run. Its worth chatting about this now.
We can not stress enough to teach Children now to respect a puppy.
We are often asked if Austrlain Labradoodles are great with children. My answer is yes, BUT are your children good with dogs and puppies?
It's about mutual respect. Children should allow the puppy/dog to choose when they want to interact. Play should never be allowed to get boisterous or rough. Puppies need to feel safe and secure and never worried.
Make sure that everyone's expectations are the same. Talk to your children now about puppy nipping and scratching. Give them time to understand that it's normal puppy behaviour, which they will grow out of.
Help children understand that puppies are not a toy to be pushed in buggies or dressed up in dolls' clothes. They are not to be ridden on like ponies or climbed on like cushions. Ears, tails, legs, or any part of them, are not for pulling or poking.
My dog's happiness is imperative. It is unfair to expect them to tolerate being pulled around and climbed on. Please do not allow this. Teach children to be gentle.
Don't let them carry them around like you wouldn't let them carry a newborn baby. Puppies' bones and joints are so tiny and fragile.
'Teach young children sayings like
''let sleeping dogs lie'', (don't wake them)
''All four paws on the floor'', (Don't carry them)
''If they munch, leave them crunch'' (Leave them when they are eating)
Another idea is a puppy cuddle cushions. You could get creative, making their own cuddle cushion that they have to sit on to cuddle the puppy.
Toilet Training a puppy
We train our puppies on grass patches at three weeks of age. This is a life changer. It makes the entire process so much easier for everyone. We recommend that our families start off with grass. You can take your puppy out in your garden as soon as they come home. However, it's not possible for them to hold their bladder all night at this young age. We use a tomato or garden tray with either astroturf or real grass. With the astroturf, you simply hose it down and leave it to dry.
Vaccine protocols have changed. We used to vaccinate our puppies at 6-7 weeks of age. However, vets are now asking breeders to allow families to vaccinate the puppies a little later. We now know that Puppies are born with natural immunity from their parents. Vaccinating too soon can affect the potency of the vaccine. Puppy will need to have their first vaccine from eight weeks of age. The second vaccine is two to four weeks after the first one. Your puppy will be able to go out for walks and be put on the ground in public areas one week after their second vaccine. We recommend a two-week gap as this allows you to socialise with your puppy sooner. Do you know that your dog's core vaccine schedule is actually every three years and not every year, as you are led to believe? There are some links below that will explain further.
The first core vaccinations are DHP ( Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis)
LEPTO AND KENNEL COUGH ARE NOT CORE VACCINES (You can choose if you want to give them)
Due to adverse side effects, we do not recommend that you give your pup Lepto. LEPTO IS NOT A CORE VACCINE.
Your chosen vet will try to convince you to give Lepto. We urge you to read all the links and information on the Lepto vaccine. Please make an informed choice. If you feel pressured, Lepto 2 is the better of the two evils. We can not stress enough. DO NOT GIVE THEM LEPTO 4. It can cause some very nasty side effects, including seizures and death. Lepto 2 gives your dog two strains of Lepto, and this is on top of the Core Vaccines. Lepto 4 gives them four strains of Lepto. There are studies that show that the Lepto vaccine is not effective. The main thing is to make yourself aware of are the Lepto symptoms, how they contract it and what to do if they do. Clearly, it is your decision, but please make an informed choice.
Due to the severe side effects, giving Lepto 4 will void Churchill's health warranty.
When your vet says, "Well, I've given thousands of Lepto Vaccines and not had a problem", please ask them how they monitor their canine clients. Do they contact them and check that they are not suffering any of the side effects of the Vaccine? Do they keep in touch purposely to monitor the dog's health? Do they treat dogs symptomatically and not tie the symptom with the vaccine?
Please do your own research. There are links below to help you make an informed decision. You will discover that many dogs have reacted to Lepto, and a high number have died.
Sadly not all cases are reported. Here's the thing more dogs die of the vaccine than they do of Lepto. The side effects of the vaccine can be life-changing. The vet will tell you that they have administered thousands of Lepto vaccines, and it’s fine. However, you are you can’t change the outcome if you are one of the unlucky ones late. We have had experience with other breeders where the vet refuses to connect the symptoms to the cause.
Take the wormer and flea treatment home with you.
Do not give flea and wormer at the same time as the vaccinations, as this will cause an overdose. Which could can cause an autoimmune response.
You can go back 2-weeks later for kennel cough. Likewise, if you do decide to give your puppy Lepto 2 give it separately from the other vaccines. Remember it's your puppy and your choice. Your puppy depends on you to make decisions on their behalf.
Before you bring your Australian Labradoodle home start asking for recommendations for groomers. Ask the groomer, if they have had previous experience with Australian Labradoodles. Don’t assume they know what to do, be proactive and ask for references. Most groomers take photos of their grooms. Ask to see photos of their Australian Labradoodle Groomes.
once you have your Australian Labradoodle puppy...
Don’t let them Poodle your Doodle! The coat should loosely follow the shape of the body and be very relaxed and natural looking. The head would be nice and round, with the ears cut to the end of the ear skin. The ears shouldn't be a feature of the head like a cockapoo. The ears should blend into the head.
Show your groomer some photos so that they know exactly how you expect them to look.
Labradoodle coats require regular brushing and combing. If they get matted, they would need to be shaved. There are some simple things you can do to help your dog’s coat stay free of mats and maintain that adorable look we all love. We hope these tips help you keep your dog’s coat looking great in between the visits to your groomer, and we hope you can make your Labradoodles grooming experience a fun and positive one!
Australian Labradoodles continually grow their coat; they need to be groomed and cut regularly. How often you have your Australian Labradoodle trimmed will depend on how fast their coat grows, your personal preferences in how long you leave them, how much maintenance you want to do at home, and how often you have them groomed professionally. On average they will need to be cut every 8 weeks.
Dont worry, there's lots of information on the private page which we will give you and we are always at the end of the phone.
Normal Puppy Behaviours
Your puppy is a baby. Just as we don’t expect babies to behave like adolescents or adolescents to behave like adults, it is important you keep your expectations reasonable. Its highly likely that your puppy will run off with your toilet roll and turn it into confetti. Jumping, nipping or biting, chewing, toileting accidents are all normal puppy behaviours. Nipping is not biting its play and taste. A limited attention span, grabbing objects and running off, not listening, etc., are all normal puppy behaviours. It is our job to teach our puppies how to live in our world. If we don't teach them then they don't know. Australian Labradoodles are incredibly smart, however they only learn if we teach. We can teach them in a gentle and positive way. If you and your pup are struggling with some of these behaviours, please get in touch I'm here to help .

Australian Labradoodle's are a breed which can suffer from joint problems, such as hip dispacia, which is usually caused by one or a combination of following reasons; heredity passed on from parents, poor diet or too much exercise during the first year, while the bones are still soft and forming.
Therefore I cannot emphasise enough how little exercise a puppy should have during the first 12 months of its life. As a rough guide, allow 5-10 minutes of exercise for every month of the puppies age.
We feed our a raw diet
Pre-portioned, nutritionally precise raw dog food — Able® Raw Dog Food
We feed our dogs Able dog food
We agree with Able, Able says the logic is clear and unequivocal. Raw meat is the biologically appropriate, common-sense way to feed a carnivore that has no idea how to cook. Dog owners in their droves are coming round to the logic and benefits of feeding raw, natural, unprocessed ingredients.
Humans have evolved to eat cooked food. Cooked food works for us because we have been eating it for nearly two million years. In this evolutionary context, dogs have only been eating dry biscuits for a few seconds. We know that they do better when they move back to the biologically appropriate raw food eaten by their ancestors for tens of thousands of years.
Dry dog food undergoes possibly the most extreme food processing that humans carry out. Meat derivatives, cereals and huge quantities of additives are extruded together at very high temperatures to make the convenient little dry pellet. High temperatures reduce the nutritional quality of the ingredients and these lost nutrients must therefore be replaced with additives.
As humans, we would not expect health and longevity if day after day we ate ultra-processed foods. Despite some pretty questionable food that has been created over the years, there is no human equivalent of the dried biscuit which we expect our dog to eat every single day.
There are numerous raw dog food companies available. Most of them will deliver to your door. Raw feeding is great for puppies and adult dogs too. There is no need to worry if your puppy is receiving the right nutrients; every ounce is full of goodness.
Natural Instinct is Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (“BARF”) for dogs providing a balanced nutritional and delicious diet. Able recipes are packed full of the highest quality, fresh produce. Ingredients range from a wide variety of human-grade 100% British raw meats with bone and offal to a selection of fresh vegetables. Natural supplements are also included, packed full of additional vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients such as sea kelp, Scottish salmon oil and spinach. Able dog food has lovely big chunks of meat that Australian Labradoodles absolutely love. Feed Raw is most defiantly the best for your dog.
Able to use exceptional ingredients and extensive nutritional analysis to help them create the very best dog food. They offer extraordinary nutritional assurances beyond anything demonstrated by other producers. When it comes to nutrition, They leave nothing to chance. All of their meat is human-grade and sourced exclusively from Great Britain and Ireland. They use nutritional additives in the smallest possible quantities and only where their analysis demonstrates a nutritional need, never as a replacement for a great ingredient. What we love is the meat is coarsely chopped to create an authentic, chunky product. Bones and vegetables are minced for better digestion. They simply mix, mince and then freeze. Delivered straight to your door in easily portioned packets.
Are bones Dangerous?
The simple answer is no, provided they are 100% raw and you haven’t cooked them first
.You should never feed your dog cooked bones as this makes them brittle and therefore sharp which potentially could cause serious damage to the gut.
Dogs need to learn how to chew bones. Chewing on raw bones also helps to clean a dog’s teeth. It is important when giving your dog anything to chew that you select an appropriately sized bone according to the size of your dog. You must supervise your dog to ensure no problems occur. Do not allow your dog to eat bones that have dried out as these can also splinter like cooked bones and become dangerous.
When feeding bones, remember the three S's
Supervise - Always supervise your pet when feeding bones.
Separate - If you have a multi-dog household separate them when feeding bones to avoid scrobbles.
Size - You may initially have to teach your pet to eat bones, especially if they like to gulp their food. Start with a bone larger than the size of your pet’s head to ensure it can’t be swallowed e.g. a cow femur (knuckle end)
How much should I feed my puppy?
Variable factors like lifestyle, appetite and temperament can all impact a pet’s eventual weight, which is why there's no substitute for knowing one's pet. We recommend that a healthy dog should have a natural waist and that you should be able to feel (but not see) its ribcage. Able has a very handy feeding guide that will calculate how much your dog needs to eat. Please note that your new puppy will need 4 meals a day until they are at least 4 months old. They then reduce to 3 meals a day until they are 6 months old, at which point they reduce to 2 meals a day. Breakfast and Dinner for the rest of their life.
Puppies need lots of good nutrition but have tiny tummies, therefore to enable them to consume the food that they need to grow they need regular meals.
As a rule of thumb, an adult dog should eat around 2-3% of its ideal body weight per day (e.g. a 10kg dog should eat roughly 200g of food per day).
Puppies will need approximately 5-6% of their body weight per day, spread across 3-4 meals. This will be required until the puppy reaches around 6 months of age.
For further help, log onto your food Able's website, where you will find a food calculator.
When you collect your puppy we will provide you with their meal plan, so you will know how much food to give them and at what time.
Taking on a new puppy can be a busy and exciting time, and researching the right diet can feel like information overload! I've tried to make things as simple as possible for you. I have endeavoured to think of everything you may ask. However, if you have a question please do not hesitate to drop me an email or text.

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