12-week old puppy showing how clever he is
People often ask what the difference is between an Australian and an English/basic Labradoodle. Or Doodle.
The history of the Australian Labradoodle traces back to the 1970s in Australia The breed was first developed in Australia in the 1970s when the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia was working to create an allergy-friendly guide dog and has since become a popular pet due to the allergy-friendly and low to no shed coat coupled with an easy-going, friendly disposition.
Initially, the Australian Labradoodle breed started as a cross between a Labrador Retriever and Poodle. Subsequent development through selective breeding infused the desired breed with other carefully selected dogs.
The original Authentic Australian Labradoodle breeding and development programme was continued aiming to breed healthy dogs with hypoallergenic potential and willingness to serve people being non-shedding and odour free.

Leo the Counting Australian Labradoodle
Years of careful selection has resulted in what we find today; the Authentic multi-generational Australian Labradoodle. Through many years of selection, the dog's blood was enriched with the subsequent infusions- Irish Water Spaniel (to eliminate possible genetic diseases), English and American Cocker Spaniel (to make the size smaller), as well as the original Poodle and Labrador retriever. This careful selection process has resulted in what we find today; the Authentic multi-generational Australian Labradoodle. Churchill's dogs are from original lines; we work within our own program, selecting future breeders based on temperament and conformation.
The amalgamations have produced the qualities we see today in this rare dog breed. They are gentle have loving temperaments; beautiful curly, wavy fleece or wool coats with colours as exquisite as chocolate, parti, red, apricot, cream, black and gold. They are highly intelligent; low to non-shedding are asthma and allergy-friendly; no-odour, and bred for excellent health and soundness.
All these qualities endear them to us as great family companions, partners in life and outstanding service or guide dogs. We like to refer to them as ''Furmans'' Furry humans! They are like fury clowns. They are intuitive, loving and intelligent. They seem to gain pleasure from making people laugh. You will notice people's faces light up with pure delight as you walk towards them with your Australian Labradoodle. Australian Labradoodles really are one in a million. They are exceptional indeed.
For these reasons, the 'Australian' Labradoodle is a much sought after breed and should not be confused with other Labradoodle types. The genuine Australian Labradoodle is obviously not just a cross between a Poodle and a Labrador, but much, much more.
The basic Labradoodle is the result of crossing a Labrador with either a Poodle, and they first appeared on the scene back in the mid-1950s. They are high energy dogs, with some having low shedding coats.
The differences are clear.
Being an authentic Australian Labradoodle is what makes them who they are. Some people are unaware that A cobber dog isn't an Australian Labradoodle.
To prevent you from being misled into buying a pup that isn't an Australian Labradoodle, we would like to take the opportunity to further explain about the breed.
Years of careful selection have resulted in what we find today: the Authentic multi-generational Australian Labradoodle. Through many years of meticulous selection, the basic Labradoodle blood was enriched with the subsequent infusions, creating today's Australian Labradoodle- Irish Water Spaniel, the Curly Coat Retriever, English and American Cocker Spaniel, as well as the original Poodle and Labrador retriever.
This careful selection process has resulted in what we find today: the Authentic multi-generational Australian Labradoodle.
The amalgamations have produced the qualities we see today in this beautiful dog breed.
All these qualities endear them to us as great family companions, partners in life and outstanding service or guide dogs.
For these reasons, the 'Australian' Labradoodle is a much sought-after breed and should not be confused with other Labradoodle types. The genuine Australian Labradoodle is not just a cross between a Poodle and a Labrador, but much more.
Australian Labradoodles do not have Wheaten Terrier. Lines with Wheaten Terriers are Cobber dogs, not Australian Labradoodles.
Some breeders are calling Cobber dogs Australian Labradoodles, which is misleading.
Cobber Dogs are a spin-off from Australian Labradoodles created by a breeder overseas. who added a terrier and created her own lines. The terrier in the mix can be very influential.
Please remember that An Australian Labradoodle mum or dad with any other breed, even a cockapoo, cocka, poodle labradoodle or lab, isn’t then a multigenerational Australian Labradoodle; it is an Australian Labradoodle crossed with another breed.
If you want a genuine pure multigenerational Australian Labradoodle then both parents, grandparents and great great grandparents should be a genuine pure multigenerational Australian Labradoodle. Did you know that genuine australian Labradoodles are now a pure breed.
Here at Churchills Australian Labradoodles, you get to meet Great Great-Great-Grandmothers and Grandfathers.

Australian Labradoodle Breed Standards
General Appearance
Must appear athletic and graceful with a compact body displaying substance with medium boning. Should not appear cloddy or heavy nor overly fine. A distinctive feature of this breed is their coat, which is non-shedding and easy to manage.
Extremely clever, sociable, comical, joyful, energetic when free and soft and quiet when handled. They should approach people in a happy friendly manner, keen and easy to train. They should display an intuition about their family members or handler’s current emotional state or needs. This ability to “know” is what has made the Australian Labradoodle an excellent dog for individuals with special needs.
Height at wither: 21 to 24 inches.(not over 25) 53cm to 63cm
Weight: 23kg to 30kg. (50-65lbs)The ideal size for the female is 21 to 23 inches and the male is 22 to 24 inches.
Height at wither: 17 to 20 inches. (not over 21) 43cm to 52cm
Weight: 13kg to 20kg. (30-645lbs)The ideal size for the female is 17 to 19 inches and the male is 18 to 20 inches.
Height at wither: 14 to 16 inches. (not over 17) 35cm to 42cm
Weight: 7kg to 13kg. (15-25lbs)
(to wither) as to length (from sternum to point of buttock) should appear square and compact. Deep chest and well sprung. There should be a good tuck-up. Loins should be strong and muscular.
Moderately broad with well-defined eyebrows. Stop should be moderate with eyes set well apart. The head should be of moderate width; developed but without exaggeration. The foreface appears shorter than the skull. The head should be clean-cut and free from fleshy cheeks. The whole head must be in proportion to the size of the dog.
Large, expressive and slightly rounded.
Must be a scissor bite. Upper teeth to just overlap the bottom teeth.
Should be large, of square appearance and fleshy.
Scissor bite. An undershot or overshot bite is a fault. Crowding teeth in miniatures is a fault.
Shoulders blades and upperarms to be the same length, and shoulders should be well laid back. Elbows are set close to the body. Forelegs to be straight when viewed from the front. Toeing in our out is a fault.
In profile, the croup is nearly flat, slight sloping of the croup is acceptable. Stifles should be moderately turned to propel forward movement, and hindquarters well muscled for power in movement. Hock to heel should be strong and short being perpendicular to the ground. View from the rear should be parallel to each other, and must not be cow-hocked.
The feet are of medium size, round with well-arched toes having elastic and thick pads. The feet should not turn in or out.
Trotting gait is effortless, smooth, powerful and coordinated in mature dogs. Should have a good reach in front and drive from behind for forward motion. Sound-free movement and a light gait are essential.
Churchills Australian Labradoodle Breeders Blog
Churchills Australian Labradoodles, Breed information